Antimicrobial price variation: conundrum of medical profession!

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Pharmacoeconomics plays a pivotal role in clinical practice. High medicine prices can adversely affect a patient's finances and compliance. The Indian pharmaceutical industry has become a cornucopia of medicines with wide variation in prices for the same medicine marketed under different brand names. Price list of available antimicrobial brands was procured from a commercial drug directory. Average price of widely prescribed oral antimicrobials was found and price variation between different brands was calculated. The variation in medicine prices was found to be from 95% lower to more than 350% higher than the average price. Implications of price variation in clinical practice are discussed and remedial measures suggested.
Rataboli PV, Dang A. Antimicrobial price variation: conundrum of medical profession! Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 2007 Jan-Mar; 53(1): 72-4