Accuracy of electronic apex locator in length determination in the presence of different irrigants: An in vitro study.

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Determining the root canal length accurately had been a challenge in endodontics. Introduction of apex locators have definitely served as an effective adjuvant to radiographs. This in vitro study had attempted to compare the effectiveness of electronic apex locator in the presence of various canal contents. Comparison of the length determined by apex locators with the radiographic length was also made. The results of the study had shown that the length of root canals can be accurately made irrespective of the canal contents.
, Muthu MS, Sivakumar N. Accuracy of electronic apex locator in length determination in the presence of different irrigants: An in vitro study. Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. 2006 Dec; 24(4): 182-5