Lead nitrate induced unallied expression of liver and kidney functions in male albino rats.

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To determine the effects of lead where lead accumulates maximum (liver followed by kidney), liver and kidney functions were studied using low oral dose of lead nitrate for prolonged duration. Dose of 20 mg lead nitrate/kg body wt/day was used in male albino rats. AST and ALT levels altered independently. When ALT remained unaltered after 7 and 21 days of treatment, it is decreased by 13.21% after 14 days treatment. AST was marginally lowered after 7 days, increased after 14 days and increased marginally after 21 days. Bilirubin (conjugated, unconjugated and total) decreased after 7 and 14 days and increased after 21 days. Urea increase was directly proportional to duration. Creatinine remained unaltered.
Chougule P, Patil B, Kanase A. Lead nitrate induced unallied expression of liver and kidney functions in male albino rats. Journal of Environmental Biology. 2005 Jun; 26(2 Suppl): 421-4