Use of tactile cues by Notiosorex crawfordi (Insectivora) in response to topographical features in the environment.

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The present studies were conducted on the ability of males of the gray shrew, Notiosorex crawfordi to use tactile cues to detect and respond to changes in topographical features of their environment. The animals were videotaped, digitized, and analyzed through video recordings. All subjects showed habituation (decrease in distance traveled) to arena conditions, followed by dishabituation when positions of the blocks were changed. Intact (INT) and sham controls (SHC) shrews traveled significantly greater distances and showed higher exploration velocities as compared to animals with shaved vibrissae (SHV). Results provide empirical evidence that N. crawfordi can effectively use tactile cues to detect and respond to changes in its environment.
Punzo F, Parker M. Use of tactile cues by Notiosorex crawfordi (Insectivora) in response to topographical features in the environment. Journal of Environmental Biology. 2006 May; 27(2 Suppl): 335-9