Deviation of negatively charged protein fractions in the trochophore and veliger larvae by the larvicidal action of baygon in freshwater pulmonate Gyraulus convexiusculus (Planorbidae).

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In the present investigation egg capsules of Gyraulus convexiusculus were treated with different concentrations of baygon. A dose and duration dependent deviations in the number of negatively charged protein fractions in the trochophore and veliger larval stages were observed. It resulted into anomalies in the morphogenesis and organogenesis of corresponding larval stages. Most of the protein bands showed the decrease in the protein positive intensities in comparison to control. This suggested that baygon causes larval toxicity in Gyraulus convexiusculus.
Bhide M, Gupta P. Deviation of negatively charged protein fractions in the trochophore and veliger larvae by the larvicidal action of baygon in freshwater pulmonate Gyraulus convexiusculus (Planorbidae). Journal of Environmental Biology. 2006 Oct; 27(4): 745-51