Degradation of microcystins by adsorbed bacteria on a granular active carbon (GAC) filter during the water treatment process.

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The degradation of microcystin by adsorbed bacteria on GAC (granular active carbon) filter from a water treatment facility was investigated. Dominant bacteria isolated from GAC were indigenous microorganisms, Psuedomonas sp. and Flavobacterium sp. The direct exposure of dominant GAC bacteria to microcystins resulted in a significant reduction of microcystin levels in both shaking and static conditions (t-test; p < 0.01). In bacteria-treatments, the half-life of microcystin was 2.6-3.5 days in both conditions. Based on this result, approximately 9-10 days would be estimated for 90% or up to 18-21 days of 99% of toxin to be degraded. This biological degradation by the GAC bacteria in combination with existing purification systems has potential to increase the efficiency of water purification.
Lee YJ, Jung JM, Jang MH, Ha K, Joo GJ. Degradation of microcystins by adsorbed bacteria on a granular active carbon (GAC) filter during the water treatment process. Journal of Environmental Biology. 2006 May; 27(2 Suppl): 317-22