Some AIDS-related policy issues and nursing students' willingness to provide AIDS care.

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Two thirty three diploma students from a Nursing School, in Delhi were surveyed anonymously to seek their opinion on some AIDS-related policy issues and willingness to provide AIDS care. More than one fourth of students opinionated that health personnel should be given a choice to refuse care to the AIDS patients and an equal proportion felt that authorities should be empowered to terminate the services of such personnel. Majority were in favour of making HIV testing compulsory for various high risk groups, indoor patients and health workers. Perceiving the risk of HIV infection, 41.2% students felt that girls might not opt for nursing career, whereas few (10.7%) were considering even to leave the profession. However, majority (58-72%) were willing to nurse the high risk individuals, if adequate training and preventive measures were provided in the health care settings. The study implies framing of an AIDS policy taking in to consideration the views of health professionals and imparting comprehensive training to the nursing students in order to promote a humane approach towards AIDS care.
Lal P, Kumar A, Ingle GK, Gulati N. Some AIDS-related policy issues and nursing students' willingness to provide AIDS care. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 1998 Mar; 30(1): 38-43