Epidemiology of meningococcal carrier state amongst recruits of a military training centre.

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An epidemiological study was carried out to determine meningococcal carrier state amongst recruits of a military training centre. 360 recruits with divergent socioeconomic, ethnic backgrounds were studied. Epidemiological factors such as age, religion, educational status, housing conditions, family structure were considered. The overall carrier rate was 11.94%. Carrier rate was higher amongst recruits from poor background and joint families. No association was found between carrier state and smoking as well as those suffering from upper respiratory tract infection. Carrier rate was aslo studied in relation to age, marital status, educational back ground and region.
Jha D, Ghosh MK. Epidemiology of meningococcal carrier state amongst recruits of a military training centre. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 1995 Dec; 27(4): 250-5