Awareness about taeniasis and neurocysticercosis among municipal schoolteachers in Delhi.

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Taenia solium is the commonest parasitic infection of CNS and an important cause of new-onset seizures and epilepsy in children and adults. Human activities impact on almost every one of the stages of the lifecycle of the worm as man is responsible for dispersion of the parasite's egg through outdoor defecation and indiscriminate disposal of feces. Health education to cause behavioral changes in these practices can therefore be an effective intervention strategy. We conducted a study to assess KAP regarding taeniasis and neurocysticercosis among municipal school teachers in Delhi. The findings are presented in this communication. The study revealed that, general information related to personal food hygiene was known to majority of the teachers but core information in the context of taeniasis/cysticercosis and seizure prevention was lacking.
Mishra D, Kalra V, Aggarwal K. Awareness about taeniasis and neurocysticercosis among municipal schoolteachers in Delhi. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 2007 Dec; 39(4): 225-8