Chigger mite infestation of small mammals in a feral biotope of a public park area of south Delhi.

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Examination of Bandicota bengalensis (8) and Suncus murinus (4) trapped in a feral biotope of a public park area of south Delhi revealed presence of the known scrub typhus vector Leptotrombidium (L.) deliense, the suspected vector Gahrliepia (S.) ligula and Gahrliepia (Walchia) sp. of chigger mites, on them. The epidemiologically important population indices (chigger infestation rate-CIR and incidence rate--1R) were estimated. The overall CIR of the three mite species on the hosts was 2.83 mite/host, and that of L. deliense on B. bengalensis and S. murinus was 1.62 and 0.25 respectively, whereas that of G. ligula was 0.50 on both the host species. The overall 1R was 66.66 per cent being 62.5 per cent for B. bengalensis and 75.0 per cent for S. murinus. Incidence of L. deliense on B. bengalensis was higher (62.5 per cent) than on S. murinus (25.0 per cent), whereas IR of G. ligula was higher (50.0 per cent) on S. murinus than on B. bengalensis (25.0 per cent). The Chi square test of independence has shown that these chigger species are not host specific, but are rather habitat specific. Chiggers were absent on Mus platythrix from a habitat about 40 meters away from the B. bengalensis and S. murinus collection sites. The high CIR value for scrub typhus vector L. deliense (1.62) warrant investigations on natural infection rates of R. tsutsugamushi in the chiggers and screening of local human population for the infection.
Saxena VK. Chigger mite infestation of small mammals in a feral biotope of a public park area of south Delhi. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 1989 Dec; 21(4): 360-4