Occurrence of salmonellae in slaughtered pigs, goat meat, meat handlers and slaughtered-house workers.

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Of 413 samples comprising 200 goat meat, 100 pig's faeces, 50 faeces of slaughtered-house workers, 13 faeces and 50 nailwashings of goat meat handlers collected from different shops of Calcutta Corporation, 25 (6.05 per cent) yielded 13 serotypes of salmonellae. The commonest serotypes was S. newport (24 per cent), followed by S. enteritidis (12 per cent), S. anatum (12 per cent) and S. typhimurium. Isolation rate of salmonellae was 12 (6 per cent) from goat meat, 10 (10 per cent) in pig's faeces and 3 (6 per cent) in nailwashings. S. newport (50 per cent) in goat meat and S. anatum (30 per cent) in faecal contents of pigs were the predominant serotypes. None of the faecal samples of goat meat handlers and slaughtered-house workers yielded salmonellae.
Das MS, Roy DK, Das S. Occurrence of salmonellae in slaughtered pigs, goat meat, meat handlers and slaughtered-house workers. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 1990 Mar; 22(1): 39-42