Chondroprotective potential of root extracts of Withania somnifera in osteoarthritis.

This is the first report describing two novel chondroprotective activities of aqueous extracts of Withania somnifera root powder.First,these extracts had a statistically significant,short-term chondroprotective effect on damaged human osteoarthritic cartilage matrix in 50% of the patients tested. Second,these extracts caused a significant and reproducible inhibition of the gelatinase activity of collagenase type 2 enzyme in vitro.
Sumantran VN, Kulkarni A, Boddul S, Chinchwade T, Koppikar SJ, Harsulkar A, Patwardhan B, Chopra A, Wagh UV. Chondroprotective potential of root extracts of Withania somnifera in osteoarthritis. Journal of Biosciences. 2007 Mar; 32(2): 299-307