Pulmonary function tests--a comparison between urban industrial and rural agricultural workers of Andhra Pradesh.

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Physical parameters and pulmonary function tests (VC, FEV1, FEV1% and FEF25-75%) were collected in 112 urban industrial workers and 104 rural agricultural workers. These average values, values according to age and smoking habits were compared between urban and rural workers. Inspite of no differences in age, rural workers average height, weight, BSA is significantly lower than urban workers. A significant increase in VC value to the extent of 0.22 lit (7.1%), significantly lower FEV 1% value by 4.7% and reduce FEF25-75% value (4.7%) is demonstrated in rural than urban workers. Smoking is shown to produce airway obstruction in both urban and rural workers. A wide variation of PFT values between the present workers and other reported values in India is observed. This study indicates rural workers have better pulmonary capacity and less flow rates than their urban counterpart.
Mohan Rao N, Kulkarni PK, Kashyap SK, Chatterjee SK. Pulmonary function tests--a comparison between urban industrial and rural agricultural workers of Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Public Health. 1993 Apr-Jun; 37(2): 42-7