Surgical management of thyroid diseases--a study on 78 cases.

A total of 78 cases with thyroid diseases were treated surgically in the Department of ENTD, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital during the period from 2000-2001. The different types of surgery were done according to the diagnosis being presented here. Out of 78 cases, 60 (76.9%) were female and 18 (23.1%) were male having female to male ratio of 3.3:1. The highest number, 47 cases (60.3%) belongs to 21-40 year age group. The study revealed the incidence of thyroid diseases as follows: 53 (67.9%) Benign cold single nodular goitre. 17(21.8%) Benign cold multinodular goitre and 08 (10.3%) Papillary carcinoma of thyroid. Regarding surgical management 40 (51.3%) patients underwent hemithyroidectomy. Lobectomy were done for 13 (16.7%), subtotal thyroidectomy for 15 (19.2%), total thyroidectomy for 5 (6.4%) patients and total thyroidectomy with functional neck dissection were performed for 5 (6.4%) patients. The study showed that females were the mostly affected group having benign single cold nodular goitre who were treated surgically by hemithyroidectomy.
Mymensingh Medical Journal.
Hossain MM, Haque MR, Rashid A, Siddiqui MN, Kundu SC, Halder KK, Chowdhury WA. Surgical management of thyroid diseases--a study on 78 cases. Mymensingh Medical Journal. 2002 Jan; 11(1): 6-8