Estimated costs of acute adenolymphangitis to patients with chronic manifestations of bancroftian filariasis in India.

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In India, lymphatic filariasis persists as a major cause of clinical morbidity and as an impediment to socio-economic development. The direct costs incurred for the treatment of adeno-lymphangitis (ADL) episodes and the consequent indirect costs due to loss of income were determined from selected agricultural labour-intensive rural endemic pockets in Tamil Nadu. Information on the occurrence of ADL, its frequency and duration were collected using semi-structured questionnaire from randomly selected patients afflicted with chronic manifestations of bancroftian filariasis. Direct (treatment) cost per year per patient was found to range from Rs. 30 to 101 among patients with different manifestations. Income foregone (indirect cost) annually by each patient, which is a function of frequency and duration of ADL ranged from Rs. 182 to 702. ADL episodes among filarial patients alone cost a minimum of Rs. 4515 million for the nation every year. Cost benefit analysis of filariasis control programme in India showed that the benefits in terms of savings on treatment and work lost due ADL alone exceeded the cost by 24%. The per capita cost of the National Filaria Control Programme was calculated to be Rs. 2.6 per annuam.
Krishnamoorthy K. Estimated costs of acute adenolymphangitis to patients with chronic manifestations of bancroftian filariasis in India. Indian Journal of Public Health. 1999 Apr-Jun; 43(2): 58-63