Morphine-induced modulation of sciatic nerve stimulation evoked blood pressure responses.

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Effect of i.v. morphine (1-2 mg/kg) on blood pressure changes evoked by sciatic nerve stimulation (SNS) were studied in chloralose anaesthetised cats. SNS gave a depressor, pressor or a biphasic BP response generally linked to the parameters of stimulation. Morphine produced marked attenuation of depressor and some facilitation of pressor response, suggesting a possible reciprocal relationship between depressor and pressor responses. Depressor response has been correlated with deep tissue or visceral pain mediated through A delta fibres and pressor response to cutaneous nociception involving C fibres or non nociceptive input via group II fibres. Involvement of medullary regions in differential modulation of these depressor and pressor response has been suggested.
Bhattacharya N, Mahajan S, Sharma KN. Morphine-induced modulation of sciatic nerve stimulation evoked blood pressure responses. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 1991 Apr; 35(2): 125-9