Spirometric impairments in undernourished children.

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The present study elucidates the effect of undernutrition on pulmonary functions in children. The study was carried out in healthy normals, wasted, wasted and stunted children. Spirometry was performed with Vitalograph Compact-II spirometer. Wasted, wasted and stunted children showed lower lung volumes, forced mid expiratory flow time and inspiratory flow rates than healthy normals. Wasted and stunted children had lower VC, FVC and FIF50% than wasted children. The reduction in lung volumes and flow rates in wasted children may be due to ventilatory muscle wasting. But in wasted and stunted children along with muscular wasting diminished skeletal growth is also a reason for lower lung functions. No airflow limitation was observed in undernourished children.
Nair RH, Kesavachandran C, Shashidhar S. Spirometric impairments in undernourished children. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 1999 Oct; 43(4): 467-73