Studies on the toxic effects of streptolysin 'O': effect on the contractility of isolated and intact mammalian and amphibian heart.

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The effect of streptolysin O (a streptococcal exotoxin) on the myocardial contractility of isolated and intact mammalian and amphibian heart has been investigated. Streptolysin O caused marked reduction or complete cessation of myocardial contractility of mammalian and amphibian heart both in vivo and in vitro. The effect of submaximal doses of streptolysin O on isolated atria was reversible after repeated washings and the myocardial depressant effect of streptolysin O on isolated atria was reversible after repeated washings and the myocardial depressant effect of streptolysin O was not antagonised by atropine. These observations would suggest that streptolysin O is cardiotoxic and may be involved in the causation of myocardial failure associated with acute rheumatic fever in man.
Gupta S, Gupta RK, Varma DR. Studies on the toxic effects of streptolysin 'O': effect on the contractility of isolated and intact mammalian and amphibian heart. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 1976 Jul-Sep; 20(3): 164-7