The origins and nature of the cognitive paradigm: an overview.

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Although cognitive science, the 'science of mind' is generally regarded as of relatively recent vintage, its origins can actually be traced back to ideas from the 1930s. The purpose of this paper is to offer a view of the essential nature of what has come to be called the cognitive paradigm--the framework around which cognitive science has come to be constructed--and about its origins and development. Of particular note is the interdisciplinarity of the field, with its strong links to psychology, linguistics, neurobiology, computer science and philosophy. As will be explained below, this interdisciplinary character is rooted in the historical development of the science itself, and can only be understood in such a context. Thus, the present article is strongly historical in spirit and content.
Dasgupta S. The origins and nature of the cognitive paradigm: an overview. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2000 Oct; 44(4): 379-91