Respiratory performance and grip strength tests on the basketball players of inter-university competition.

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The participants of Basketball in the Inter-University competition were tested for assessing the physical efficiency level with special reference to respiratory and strength performances. The simple anthropometric measurements like height and weight of these subjects were noted to be higher than those of average healthy nonathlete populations of India. The socio-economic status of these subjects was assessed by standard questionnaire method and they were from families having income range between Rs. 85/-165/ per capita per month. The respiratory performances viz. FVC, FEV1, MVV, MEFR, PEFR were all noted to be high in these sportsmen in comparison to those of age-matched healthy Indians. The grip strength test values were similar to those of hockey and soccer players. This study, therefore, indicated more efficiency in basketball players than in the age-matched average non-athlete healthy Indians.
De AK, Bhattacharya AK, Panda BK, Das Gupta PK. Respiratory performance and grip strength tests on the basketball players of inter-university competition. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 1980 Oct-Dec; 24(4): 305-9