Posterior fossa extradural haematoma.

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Seventeen patients with posterior fossa extradural haematoma are presented. While 7 patients had acute course, 6 had subacute and 4 had chronic course. All patients had evidence of occipital injury. Two patients did not have any fracture in the occipital bone. Concomitant lesions included cerebellar contusion in 3 cases, cerebral contusion in 4 patients, supratentorial extradural haematoma in 2 and hydrocephalus in 2 patients. All but one patient were treated surgically. None of the supratentorial lesions were operated upon. All patients with subacute and chronic course had good outcome while 43% with acute course succumbed to death. Besides the initial clinical status the co-existing lesions signifying the increased severity of injury have influenced the mortality and quality of outcome. In presence of occipital fracture a careful observation and timely intervention are warranted.
Prusty GK, Mohanty A. Posterior fossa extradural haematoma. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 1995 Jul; 93(7): 255-8, 254