Testicular biopsy in cases of male infertility: a retrospective study.

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One hundred testicular biopsies performed during the period of 1983-90 were reviewed to reappraise the value and utility of testicular biopsy in cases of male infertility. All the biopsies were categorised into the following 7 types and their relative incidences were determined. There were 16% normal cases. Hypospermatogenesis was found in 42% cases, maturation arrest in 18% cases, Sertoli cell-only syndrome in 17% cases, Klinefelter's syndrome in 3% cases, orchitis in 3% cases and tubular sclerosis in 1% case. Testicular biopsy findings were correlated with semen analysis reports. Azoospermia was represented by all the above 7 types whereas oligospermia was represented hypospermatogenesis and maturation arrest varieties. Testicular biopsy is most useful in azoospermia but its value is limited in oligospermia.
Nagpal BL, Manjari M, Kapoor K, Dhaliwal US. Testicular biopsy in cases of male infertility: a retrospective study. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 1993 Jul; 91(7): 171-4