Distribution of blood pressure and influence of subcutaneous fat on systolic and diastolic levels in a tribal population.

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The distribution of arterial blood pressure levels and the influence of subcutaneous fat on blood pressure are investigated among Mall, an agricultural tribe of Andhra Pradesh. Majority of Mali people exhibit optimum levels of blood pressure. The incidence of stage 1 hypertension is moderate. The mean levels of blood pressure are relatively higher among women compared to men. The regression co-efficient values indicate a positive influence of triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness on both systolic and diastolic blood pressure among Manzai Mali. The results are discussed in the light of earlier studies.
Babu BV, Kusuma YS, Naidu JM. Distribution of blood pressure and influence of subcutaneous fat on systolic and diastolic levels in a tribal population. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 1996 Aug; 94(8): 289-91, 293