Midtrimester termination of pregnancy--search for a better method continues.

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Every day a new method of termination of second trimester pregnancy clearly indicates that we have still not found a simple, safe, effective and economic method of termination of pregnancy in second trimester. Present study of 855 cases aims at searching out something better from available modalities. Age old hypertonic saline and ethacridine lactate were used with adjuvants like hyaluronidase and a preparation containing isapgol husk to reduce injection abortion interval and failures. Life threatening dangers of hypertonic saline are known. Ethacridine lactate seems to be safe. By giving it intra-amniotically with these adjuvants its major disadvantages could be minimised. There was no mortality. However, there was morbidity in the series.
Chhabra S, Menon G. Midtrimester termination of pregnancy--search for a better method continues. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 1991 Nov; 89(11): 309-10