Congenital malformations at birth.

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Three thousand nine hundred and thirty-two consecutive newborns were examined at birth for the presence of congenital malformations. The overall incidence of malformations was 1.2%. Congenital malformations accounted for 9.2% of perinatal and 12.8% of neonatal deaths. The central nervous system (39.5%) was most commonly involved followed by musculoskeletal system (14.5%). Involvement of more than one system was observed in 18.8% cases. Though there was higher incidence of malformations in babies born to mothers of more than 35 years the difference was not statistically significant. However, the babies born to mothers of gravidity 4 or more had significantly higher incidence of malformation when compared to mothers of lower gravidity (chi1(2) = 4.67, p < 0.05). The incidence of congenital malformations at birth was higher in stillborn and low birthweight babies.
Swain S, Agrawal A, Bhatia BD. Congenital malformations at birth. Indian Pediatrics. 1994 Oct; 31(10): 1187-91