Genito-urinary fistulae--an evaluation.

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A total number of 39 cases of genito-urinary fistulae were managed during the period January, 2001 to August, 2006 in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan. All patients were evaluated clinically and investigations done accordingly. The incidence of genito-urinary fistula was 0.74% of all gynaecological operations. Out of 39 cases, 23 were primipara, 41.02% were in the age group 20-30 years. In 20 cases the site was at midvaginal region. Prolonged and obstructed labour constituted the major aetiology in 25 cases. Surgery was contemplated in 34 cases. Thirty cases had successful operation after primary surgery, 3 cases had successful repair after second attempt. Only one case needed third attempt. Urethral catheter was required in 15 cases. Proper training of the care providers, more vigilant intrapartum care and timely referral are the important factors to minimise the distressing disorder.
Bhadra D, Bhattacharjee D, Mandal TK, Sengupta P, Pal A, Hazra SK. Genito-urinary fistulae--an evaluation. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2008 Jan; 106(1): 24, 26-7, 33