An unusual presentation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis.

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A 22 years old female presented with fever, respiratory distress and a rapidly enlarging, soft left postauricular lump for last two months. She was found anaemic, had a right supraclavicular, non-tender lymph node of about 2.5 cm diameter and mild hepatosplenomegaly. She had a positive Mantoux test, and normal chest x-ray. Ultrasonography of abdomen showed multiple pre-and para-aortic enlarged lymph nodes. Mild pericardial effusion was detected on echocardiography. Fine needle aspiration cytology from the right supraclavicular lymph node showed epithelioid cell granuloma. Excision and biopsy of the dermoid were carried out. The content was pus, which was smear-negative but culture-positive for acid-fast bacilli. The patient responded to antituberculous chemotherapy satisfactorily.
Basuthakur S, Kundu S, Jana PK. An unusual presentation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2005 Oct; 103(10): 543-4